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Since its establishment in 2007, We have been working on our business with the belief that we will be able to provide the best service possible.
We started our business with both online and offline marketing support services, helped many retail stores sell online, and now we are working on my own trade, wholesale and retail business.
We started our business with both online and offline marketing support services, helped many retail stores sell online, and now we are working on my own trade, wholesale and retail business.
We think there are great products both overseas and in Japan that are still unknown to many people.
We would like to be a bridge between manufacturers and users by fully utilizing the marketing know-how we have accumulated over the 13 years since our establishment, and deliver great products to as many users as possible to make them happy.
会 社 名 | アールマネジメント株式会社 |
設 立 | 2007年9月26日 |
所 在 地 | 東京都港区南青山3-18-20 南青山松本ビル6階 |
U R L | www.r-management.co.jp |
事業内容 | 国内小売・卸売・貿易業 マーケティング支援 事務代行 |
取引銀行 | 日本政策金融公庫新宿支店・三菱UFJ銀行表参道支店 |
Company Info
Company Name | R-management Inc. |
Date Established | September 26, 2007 |
Office | 3-18-20-6F, Minami Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0062, Japan |
URL | www.r-management.co.jp |
Major Business Areas | Import and Export Wholesale and Retail Marketing Support Services Outsourcing Services
Major Banks | Japan Finance Corporation, MUFG Bank, Ltd. |
国内小売・卸売・貿易 | オンライン販売に注力しております。 弊社のインターネットの販路は、Amazon・楽天・Yahoo!ショッピング・ヤフオク・Qoo10・ポンパレ・Yamadaモール・Wowmaなど、他社ではアプローチできない販路も網羅しています。 楽天やYahoo!ショッピングの有力販売店への卸売も行っております。 Amazonでの価格下落防止・商品ブランディング・広告運用の支援も行っております。 |
マーケティング支援 | オンライン・オフライン両面での広告運用・集客支援、見込み客フォロー・成約率向上・リピート施策の支援。 小売店舗のネット販売支援実績が複数店舗あります。 |
事務代行 | 書類の作成・整理、電話対応・連絡調整、請求書作成その他経理支援といったサービスを行っております。 |
Our Business
Trade, Wholesale and Retail | We are focusing on online sales regarding the retail business, and we also provide products to online / offline leading sellers in Japan as the wholesale business. We also support price drop prevention, product branding, and advertising operations at EC malls. |
Marketing Support Services | Online / offline advertising management, customer attraction support, supporting prospective customer follow-ups, closing rate improvement and repeat purchase measures. |
Outsourcing Services | Creating and organizing documents, answering and coordinating phone calls, creating invoices, and other accounting support. |
所 在 地 | 東京都港区南青山3-18-20 南青山松本ビル6階 |
電 話 | 03-5775-1330 |
F A X | 03-5775-1360 |
Contact Us
Address | 3-18-20-6F, Minami Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0062, Japan |
TEL | 03-5775-1330 |
FAX | 03-5775-1360 |